How to download your own minecraft world

How to Download a Minecraft World: Well what is a Minecraft world? A Minecraft world is a build you can download. Note: To ensure that your custom world successfully loads on your server, it is recommended to only use worlds that have been generated in the same Minecraft version that your server is running. Using worlds generated in a different version of Minecraft can cause broken chunks or items to appear, or worse, this can cause corrupt chunks and entities on your world which would lead to constant. · 1. you haft to download your map 2. go to start menu and put run 3. write %appdata% 4. go to saves P,S they have your worlds 5. put the folder in the save folder 6. play the map and enjoy P.S THIS ONLY WORKS ON SINGLE PLAYER NOT MULTEY PLAYER!
Here, you will directed to your resourcepacks folder. You'll want to navigate to your Saves folder by clicking on ".minecraft". Open up "Saves" and drag an drop the Map folder from your desktop into the Saves folder, or copy and paste the file like we did in the video below. Close out of the window once it's loaded. If you want to use your Minecraft server world in singleplayer, as a backup or use on another server, you will need to download your world into your computer. Log in to your server's Multicraft panel ( If you have more than one server, select the server you would like to download the world from. 1. go to bltadwin.ruaft file by going to run and typing appdata 2. click on saves 3. copy the file of the world you want to upload 4. paste it into.
Connect to your server files using an FTP program. Once in the FTP, locate the folder named “pocketmine”. Go ahead and open this folder. Once in the pocketmine folder, navigate to the “worlds” directory. Find the world you want to download and drag it onto your computer. Common Issues. Incorrect world when loading into singleplayer. How to Download a Minecraft World: Well what is a Minecraft world? A Minecraft world is a build you can download. 1. go to bltadwin.ruaft file by going to run and typing appdata 2. click on saves 3. copy the file of the world you want to upload 4. paste it into Home Minecraft Blogs How to make your world downloadable.